Yvan Lamothe Art Gallery

Les Brouettiers (The Cart-men ) Oil on canvas 60"x49"  $54,000.00


My mother was a very enterprising woman. In her lifetime she had a number of businesses ...including: building construction, property rental, a tourist shop where she sold dolls and wood carvings to tourists, and a couple of grocery stores. When it came time to buy supplies for the grocery stores, she would go to the huge "Iron Market" in downtown Port-Au-Prince and buy sacks of rice, sugar, flour, beans, plantains and other commodities. She would then hire these brouettiers to ferry the goods to her store, where my brothers and I would transfer them into retail bags. The brouttiers would slalom up hills and use hand brakes to slow going downhill. It is very dangerous work still being done today. It isn't uncommon for them to run into walls or oncoming traffic. His physic was actually inspired by another man who was an avid weightlifter. He was an employee at my aunt's restaurant in downtown Port-Au-Prince.

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(Available in the print shop)

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